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About Me

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Cristina Riches aka Bird, is the founder of She's also a creative mom of two, published author, graphic designer, freelance photographer, magazine editor and unconditional party lover. Her party ideas and photos have been featured on numerous publications such as, CNN Entertainment, Parenting Magazine, Celebrate Magazine, All You Magazine, Elle Decor and She also regularly creates content for brands such as PBS Parents, HGTV, Coca-Cola, Nestlé, Pillsbury, PayPal, Mars, Hellmann's, Cultura France and Danone to name a few.

Cheese & Wine Party Ideas with Free Printables

Cheese and Wine Party Ideas with FREE Printables -

There's nothing better than a good old Cheese and Wine Party to warm your cockles in the cold winter months! It's quite a relaxed way to entertain in my view, but also a fun way to savor the remaining goodies left from your Christmas pantry!

Now that my kids are schooled full time, hubby and I find ourselves having romantic lunch dates. Hence this impromptu little tablescape! ;)

Hope you like these quick ideas + some FREE printables for you to download!

Cheese and Wine Party Ideas with FREE Printables -

Cheese and Wine Party Ideas with FREE Printables -

Cheese and Wine Party Ideas with FREE Printables

Do the Rustic Style - The idea here is to have fun! Simple really is better in this case - Go with natural elements, earthy tones, wintry colors. A great tip is to forage around in your garden shed for unique ways to bring your table together. 

I used a simple Kraft paper runner for my white table, and slate piece from my garden as a cheese board. No plates required in this rustic tablescape, as the Kraft paper is quite sufficient - All complemented off course by simple glassware and plenty of it, so guests can taste to their hearts content!

Cheese and Wine Party Ideas with FREE Printables -

Cheese and Wine Party Ideas with FREE Printables - Say Cheers!

I'm no wine expert so I tend to ask the store sommelier or vendor when I purchase my wine. I tell them what would pair well with the food (in this case cheese) that I am serving.

However, the whole point here is that you also get to taste the wine you might already have at home, and also discover what tickles your taste buds! So I quite like the idea of having a few "pot luck" wines to sip and see with my guests ;)

My personal top 5 faves: Gros Maseng, Muscat Blanc, Tawny Port, Riesling and dry Champagne. 

This is also a great list for cheese and wine pairing.

Cheese and Wine Party Ideas with FREE Printables -

Cheese and Wine Party Ideas with FREE Printables - Say Cheese

A simple way to start is to go for a variety ranging from the freshest like a goat or sheep milk cheese, to the more mature, hard cheeses like an aged Gouda. Also a good idea to include a blue cheese in there like a Stilton or Roquefort. 

Get the cheeses to room temperature at least 30 minutes before tasting - It make a HUGE difference to the flavor! Label each with our FREE printable cheese board cards.

Serve some plain crackers as palate cleansers (for in between wine tasting), but also other tasty treats like breads, preserves, fruits, nuts and honey for afters. 

Cheese and Wine Party Ideas with FREE Printables -

Cheese and Wine Party Ideas with FREE Printables - Fun and Games

Wine tasting is quite an art, but we can all play experts for the day by following five simple  rules: See, Swirl, Sniff, Sip and Savor (no spitting, please...). Our FREE printable tasting cards will help you describe what you taste. First the wine alone, then the wine + cheese.

Another amusing idea is to carry out blind tastings, where guests try and guess the wine. Our FREE  numbered cards will ensure fair play but also make the table looks extra  fun! 

For more Cheese and Wine party ideas, visit or Pinterest Board here and Bird's Party Magazine here.

Visit our Facebook page to download your FREE Cheese and Wine Party Printables - Login as your personal profile, and not business page!

Party styling, printables and photography: Bird's Party

More party ideas here!

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  1. Wow, that's such a great party idea! I love white wine as well as cheese.. I can't believe I never thought of this before!

  2. I've always wanted to throw a wine & cheese party and now you have me thinking about it again. I love the printables!

  3. Love this! So simple, yet so sophisticated and inviting! Enjoy your lunch dates, I really crave doing that every now and then :-) Beijos, Flavia (Fête à Fête)

  4. I like the way you have impromtu lunch's. I've never had a wine and cheese party but would love too and you're ideas inspire me.


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[name=Cristina Riches aka Bird] [img=] [description=Cristina Riches aka Bird, is the founder of She's also a creative mom of two, published author, content creator & social media marketing influencer, graphic designer, freelance photographer and writer (for English, French and Portuguese-speaking publications), magazine editor and unconditional party lover. Her party ideas and photos have been featured on numerous publications such as, CNN Entertainment, BHG Magazine, Parenting Magazine, Celebrate Magazine, All You Magazine, Elle Decor and She also regularly creates content for brands such as PBS Parents, HGTV, Coca-Cola, Nestlé, Pillsbury, PayPal, Sony, Sizzix, Mars, Hellmann's, Cultura France and Danone to name a few.] (facebook= (pinterest= (instagram= (youtube= (twitter=

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