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About Me

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Cristina Riches aka Bird, is the founder of She's also a creative mom of two, published author, graphic designer, freelance photographer, magazine editor and unconditional party lover. Her party ideas and photos have been featured on numerous publications such as, CNN Entertainment, Parenting Magazine, Celebrate Magazine, All You Magazine, Elle Decor and She also regularly creates content for brands such as PBS Parents, HGTV, Coca-Cola, Nestlé, Pillsbury, PayPal, Mars, Hellmann's, Cultura France and Danone to name a few.

The Best Party Blogs

The Best Party Blogs

We are among friends here, right? So can I be bluntly honest? Well, I don't normally enter the Blog in any competitions or voting poles - Let's face it, it takes a lot of energy and time to keep reminding people to vote.

Plus, it can be seen as a popularity contest and it's NOT usually a measure of talent nor how nice a person you are.....BUT (and it's a big but here) we have been nominated by you, our readers to the Top 25 Party Planning Blogs on Circle of Moms; and this means you must think Bird's Party Blog is worthy to be on that list among such talented party people and friends!

The Best Party Blogs

And for that I thank you, and also ask you to please keep voting for us if you think we deserve your vote. We all try so hard to keep this blog fresh, informative and inspiring and to be recognized by you guys is the ultimate accolade in my view! Now, if we can get some good publiscity as a result, I say that's the cherry on the cupcake, don't you agree?! :)

So folks, only 2 more days to cast you votes until April 11th - Then the madness stops, I promise!! :)

♥ Click here to VOTE ♥

Thank you again for your continual support and have a fabulous weekend!

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  1. i've been voting almost every day and just did again!!
    ramona from

  2. I voted for you sweetie hope you win. Trish

  3. Hi i'm ur new follower-love,love ur party ideas-i love everything parties. you can find me at

  4. Thank you so much ladies! :D

  5. Trish and Joan - Thank you!! You guys ROCK!!!! Have blessed Monday!!

  6. Bird, wanted to thank you for the giveaway last month. I got my dessert plate and pedestal in the mail this past weekend from Susan at For Pete's Sake Pottery and couldn't be happier! I blogged about you and her here: Thanks again for a great giveaway!


  7. HI Karen,

    Great news!! I too fell in love with FPS stuff and I'm so happy you did too!

    Thanks for the shout out btw!!

  8. Hello...stopping in from BYB...thought I would say hi. Saw your post for Circle of Moms and hear what you are saying...that being said, I voted:-) Have a great weekend!


Thanks for stopping by ! We would love to hear what you thought about this post and feel free to suggest content you would like to see ! :-)

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[name=Cristina Riches aka Bird] [img=] [description=Cristina Riches aka Bird, is the founder of She's also a creative mom of two, published author, content creator & social media marketing influencer, graphic designer, freelance photographer and writer (for English, French and Portuguese-speaking publications), magazine editor and unconditional party lover. Her party ideas and photos have been featured on numerous publications such as, CNN Entertainment, BHG Magazine, Parenting Magazine, Celebrate Magazine, All You Magazine, Elle Decor and She also regularly creates content for brands such as PBS Parents, HGTV, Coca-Cola, Nestlé, Pillsbury, PayPal, Sony, Sizzix, Mars, Hellmann's, Cultura France and Danone to name a few.] (facebook= (pinterest= (instagram= (youtube= (twitter=

Follow on Instagram @BirdsParty