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About Me

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Cristina Riches aka Bird, is the founder of She's also a creative mom of two, published author, graphic designer, freelance photographer, magazine editor and unconditional party lover. Her party ideas and photos have been featured on numerous publications such as, CNN Entertainment, Parenting Magazine, Celebrate Magazine, All You Magazine, Elle Decor and She also regularly creates content for brands such as PBS Parents, HGTV, Coca-Cola, Nestlé, Pillsbury, PayPal, Mars, Hellmann's, Cultura France and Danone to name a few.

4th of July Beach Picnic with Free Printables

4th of July Beach Picnic with Free Printables - via

I LOVE to see how our printables are used is real events. I also happen to love Maddycakes Muse and have been a follower for yonks! 

So I'm doubly delighted to share the gorgeous 4th of July Beach Picnic Michelle styled using our FREE printables!! Check out all the eye candy below and the party details as told by Michelle.

4th of July Beach Picnic with Free Printables - via

4th of July Beach Picnic with Free Printables - via

4th of July Beach Picnic with Free Printables - via

4th of July Beach Picnic with Free Printables - via

4th of July Beach Picnic with Free Printables - via

4th of July Beach Picnic with Free Printables - via

4th of July Beach Picnic with Free Printables - via

4th of July Beach Picnic with Free Printables - Party Details

We are spending 4th of July at our condo in Mexico. I wanted to bring my Independence Day celebration with me but had limited space. I decided to bring just a few red, white and blue items I already owned and have a picnic on the beach. The beach may be seriously crowded on the 4th so we decided to have it a little early. Luckily, I found Bird's Party free printables so just click and print and my little picnic looked all fancy!! 

I always check out craft stores like Hobby Lobby and JoAnn's after each holiday and stalk up on party supplies with their holiday clearance sales. I always have items on hand. I especially buy a lot of red after holiday sales like Christmas and can be used for so many other holidays and themes as well. 

My picnic basket came from World Market and it was love at first site! I printed off Bird's Party Free 4th of July printables and simply attached them to my red & white striped treat bags, boxes, and straws to instantly make them fit my theme. So easy to make your parties and celebrations custom by using printables! 

4th of July Beach Picnic with Free Printables - Party Credits

* Party Styling and photography - Maddycakes Muse
* Red & White Striped bags and straws - Bake It Pretty
* Stars Popcorn boxes - Hobby Lobby
* Plaid Picnic Basket- World Market
* Bandanas and Cowboy hats- Oriental Trading
* FREE 4th of July Party Printables- Bird's Party

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[name=Cristina Riches aka Bird] [img=] [description=Cristina Riches aka Bird, is the founder of She's also a creative mom of two, published author, content creator & social media marketing influencer, graphic designer, freelance photographer and writer (for English, French and Portuguese-speaking publications), magazine editor and unconditional party lover. Her party ideas and photos have been featured on numerous publications such as, CNN Entertainment, BHG Magazine, Parenting Magazine, Celebrate Magazine, All You Magazine, Elle Decor and She also regularly creates content for brands such as PBS Parents, HGTV, Coca-Cola, Nestlé, Pillsbury, PayPal, Sony, Sizzix, Mars, Hellmann's, Cultura France and Danone to name a few.] (facebook= (pinterest= (instagram= (youtube= (twitter=

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